The old brains versus beauty debate

Why should a women be put down for using her sexuality? 

The question is always bear in mind for most people. It's like the old brains versus beauty debate. For some men you were proud having a women with curvy body that can always satisfy you at anytime without complaining. What she's only want is what you had. but this women was no brain. Or you are really proud the the women whose too genius without thinking about her appearance except she just look clean and ordinary beauty. But what if she had both of that criteria?  That's a bonus for a man. But I don't think smart women with smart brain make a wrong choice to choose an ordinary men! She more interested to the men with good and extra-ordinary men as good as his appearance.  I think little is enough unless you had a very good brain.

When you think about is how is showing off your looks any different from showing off how smart you are?

You were born with your brain, the same way you were born with your looks. It's 98% genetics. You can't take any personal credit for your IQ than the size for your pores. If you ask me, my answer is the only peeple who have legitimate claim they're better than anyone else are peope who choose to be nice.  But of course if you're truly a nice person, you don't go around bragging that you're better than everyone else. 


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