Tahukah Anda ?

Tahukah anda :

♥ manusia gagal adalah manusia hebat. Orang lebih mengkagumi mereka yang pernah gagal - setelah mereka mencuba namun gagal - lantas kembali bangkit dan mencuba lagi namun kali ini dia mengambil benefit dari kisah silam.

♥ seorang businessman yang berusaha memajukan business dengan team kerja yang kukuh, raised money from good investors,  kekalkan hubungan sesama pekerja dan clients, membina produk yang bagus but perhaps time tak kena. Atau mungkin ada lack pada mana2 person in team or maybe the technology is failed, so kegagalan seperti ini berpeluang lagi untuk menarik perhatian team terus bersama2 dan attract investors for second time. This is called business failure.

♥ Contoh lain ; this guy is more aggressive.  He takes big risks, both with the business and personal. He worked alone or boleh dikataka dia dominant.  Even he got good team but he still want to do it alone. While everything is going well, the team of employees and investors tend to stand behind him. But when the things got rocky, they'are dismissed from him and distance themselves.  Jika business gagal maka the chance for teams or investors work with him is lower. It is personal failure. 

♥ Take this word from someone who have failed, "Failure of your company is not failure in life. Failure in your relationship is" - Evan Williams, founder, Twitter and Blogger. 

♥ Bukanlah mudah untuk mencapai taraf billion dollar company jika tidak ketahui rahsianya. Ianya mengambil masa yang lama sekurangnya tujuh tahun dan ianya tidak happen overnight.

♥ Lima rangka business yang need to know before build some business.  
● The gaming, di mana pengguna or users pay for a service or good.
● E-commerce or marketplace, di mana users pay for a real world good or service
●Pengiklanan, di mana peranan consumers dalam membina rangkaian mouth to mouth seandainya company tersebut masih baru.
● Software, di mana tarikan penggunaan internet bagi melancarkan produk di khalayak yang lebih luas.
● Enterprise,  di mana company membayar untuk scale yang more larger.

♥ Even some of the billion dollar man comes from drop-outs school but have to remember too that vast majority went to top universities. Standford mendahului dengan 33% daripada cofounders, 8 founders went to Harvard, five went to University California at Berkeley and MIT had four. 

♥ Lokasi juga memainkan peranan penting. Contohnya, San Francisco makes for a killer combination which 27 of the billion dollar companies are based in the Bay Area. 

♥ Instagram telah dilancarkan pada 6 Oktober 2010. Pada hari pertama ianya telah mencecah 25,000 pengguna. Within few months in May 2011, ianya hit 3.75 million pengguna!

♥ Company yang telah mendatangkan hasil hanya pada hari pertama ianya beroperasi dan dilancarkan, adalah ianya akan menjadi sesuatu yang kuat, create the most value and most importantly, control their own destinies

♥ Ability untuk menarik great investors especially early on adalah bergantung kepada pentingnya improved out business model pada awal perancangan lagi. And remember,  attracting investment is definitely not a final goal but ianya akan meluaskan lagi penghasilan bagi cita2 kita. Real goal is to build a sustainable and ambitious business. 

♥ Tiga perkara untuk mendapatkan cofounder yang bagus ;
♣ Chemistry - must be someone yang kita kenal betul2, mungkin yang pernah bekerja bersama2 dalam satu company. Someone yang boleh berkongsi idea and find each other energising. You need spending time together, need to trust and have faith in each other. It is good if you're both motivated by different things.

♣ Skill yang pelbagai - ianya tidak bermaksud yang your partner have multi degrees or overlapping skills - you don't need three master's degrees in business administration or MBAs to start a company. The skills that you are looking for are the ability to discover, design and refine a great product concept and to translate the vision into actual business. 

♣ Passion - it doesn't matter your cofounder comes from a business or marketing background or a professional level but it does matter if both of you have the same level of passion. Has a same drive to solve a big problem and change a status quo.

♥ kesimpulannya jika anda ingin memulakan sebarang business mulakan dari sekarang iaitu fokus dan cari seseorang yang bekerja bersama2 dalam satu company. Someone yang berwawasan dan have a great vision. You would like to spend time together, build a good relationship and get a chemistry start from early on and you can get thing rolling very quickly. 

♥ Have to know the cofounders of WhatsApp have work together on many years at Yahoo! before start with their own idea.

♥ Apabila kita telah mendapat someone yang very talented and motivated and do something great - kita bukan sahaja mendapat attention from the crowd but the great investors are hungry waiting us in the roof to invest in our nascent venture.

♥ But still be careful. Do reference checks even you already know them.

♥ Di sini ada beberapa perkara you should do before taking someone as cofounder :-
★ Go out for dinner - not that mean like kita out for love dating or maybe boleh menggunakan istilah tersebut untuk lebih mengenali the person yang will join us to build the future. Take chance to talk about visions, both of you for the future of the company. Asking so many question such as, do you want to build a billion dollar business? Are you both interested in building a company with hundreds of people? Willing to work nights and weekends for a year to realise the dream? Berbincang berkenaan a hard things together. If at this stage your vision on not 100% achieved so is very little chance will work. 

★ Take example bagaimana founder Facebook Mark Zuckerberg was interview dating with Sheryl Sandberg untuk jawatan no dua dalam Facebook. Dia perlukan someone cofounder yang excellent,  seorang leader dan manager that will bring the company to the next level. He needed perfect person. So berlakulah siri beberapa dating between him and Sheryl, meet her at regular basis - at his own house, sometime he cooks for dinner and also at Sheryl's place. Dia needed to know adakah Sheryl shared the vision like him.

★Cipta satu proof untuk konsep bersama2 - maksud di sini ialah if kita think he or she the one but not sure yet so we test drive them. Work on something very concrete together. See how they goes. Were productive? Did you argue? Did maintain interest and dedication on tasks? Or both of you lose interest?  Make it the clear and simple goal and trying to deliver together bagaimana komitednya anda.

★ Red Flags - Ok. Please read very carefully.  I had experienced with this situation and I took lessons on it. Once you first step on business there is a person types 'the expert who wants to charge you fees unfront'. Orang ini seem ada knowledge of the sector kononnya, and claim close relationships with impressive people dan tahu or berpengetahuan something hot. Mereka akan get very excited about your idea and start suggest apa2 yang boleh mereka tolong anda. They start giving you  a sales pitch. Then akan mention untuk booking session or appointment and get payment and akan figuring how you can formalise  untuk partnership or working agreement.  This, alarm bells should sound!

★ Perhati betul2 dan thinking what I tried to say. If investors or cofounder or someone yang thinking you have a person with the skills and motivation to make your company work and they get benefit with the successful mission, they will help you for free! People who know the business scope very well will always help you if mereka tau yang anda adalah seorang yang genuine dan have a solid idea and unique idea yang berbaloi untuk futher development. 

★ Another type of person is an adviser or coaches.  This person seem to be quite credible - mereka ada website ada big network with others advisers or coaches - don't get too involved with the person of these types. Saya sudah pernah jadi victims of their typical approach.  Mereka start offering business skills, berkebolehan dengan legal and investment advice. Instead of request for direct payment mereka juga ask for payment by taking equity in your business. Needles to say, tiada lawyer akan terlibat dalam cara ni. If anda inginkan adviser, invite them to join of your board of directors and give them equity but not pay them. So beware of adviser yang minta percent 10 or 20 of your business and wanting a passive role. Ini millennium era we don't business like cerita Tiga Abdul. 


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