Think Big!

Kita sering didengarkan dengan peribahasa melayu, kalau takut dilambung ombak jangan berumah ditepi pantai, kalau takut mati jangan pandai main keris, kalau takut kena baling periuk belanga jangan pandai berbini dua!

Tapi dalam dunia business andai takut rugi jangan masuk dalam business. We business people's, dare to failed not scared to suffered! Before joined the business I started reading a lot of books. My bookshelves are piled high with books brimming with great advice about how to build a great business. Biography of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is amazing story I read. Investor warrent buffet, Google cofounder Larry Page, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates and this superb businesswoman and Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg I admiring her, lay down over my desk.

Some of them I bought and many I reads at libraries.  But as I reread so many times, I keep finding the business strategy no longer work, seem to be already outdated in the fast moving world of mobile technology.  I didn't say I am a billions dollar business,  not even millions or hundreds dollar successful women but as I am new generation living in the traffic world whose moving so fast, its not enough. 

Kita bukan lagi menggunakan kaedah lama, set appointment by phone to promote the business or product, not even sent email to provide the services. Not anymore. Sekalipun masih ada yang menggunakan kaedah klasik but compared by nisbah 3:10. What I sought to understand is what differentiates the truly great companies from good companies.  What I meant is about mobile app centric and entirely new way of thinking.

If you are an Android or iPhone user then you already be an avid user of some or even all of them; WhatsApp & Viber (messaging app), Square or Paypal (payment service), Angry Birds, Uber, Instagram, Waze, Clash of Clan (I can say this is ridiculously popular game), Snapchat, Flipboard and Tango. Owhh..I used almost of them because I am crazy fans of apps! Because I need to used them, as business person who take advantage of  modern technology.

You have think big to consider achieved half of the big think you dream. I learned from entrepreneurs, don't trip over and fall into billion dollar businesses;  they see big problems, very big problems that frustate a lots of people then they create smart solutions. Mereka melakukannya melalui gabungan pemikiran untuk menggubal, perlaksanaan kental dan pengurusan yang komplek. Penyelesaian ini adalah asas kepada potensi kepada perniagaan yang amat besar. We have to know two things for become great entrepreneurs; first, you need to focus on what you know; example of me, bakery and second, to build something big you need to distrupt and reinvent a service that millions of people around the world use on daily basis!

So we have thinking out of our tiny box. Ambil contoh teksi. Cara klasik kita kena tahan teksi di taxi stand. Maybe take our time and some of them not telus. We received a lot of complaints about taxi driver charge passengers with ridiculous fare and not following the meter stated.  Now we have My Taxi in Malaysia, we have Uber too, which is transplanted from US. The great system they used the better services they got and the passengers was very satisfied.  Thinking of that.

In the process of rebuild my business and service I was attracted with the method of mobile genetics such as Instagram etc. And I doing many research about that and how they started hit the world. In early 2014 the number of mobile phone exceed the number of people in the world today, 7 billion. Measured from the operating systems used by the two giant smartphone,  Google and Apple, most popular activities on smartphones, to the technologies make apps so powerful.

Mobile Foundation

Think about this for a second, the smartphone in your pocket today is 15 times faster than a Cray-1 supercomputer (1979 vintage), and as powerful as the most powerful computer in the world in 1987. How we blessed with this technology.  All they offered is keyboard and screen and the ability to make millions of calculations per second.

Dan Microsoft yang menerajui perubahan besar pada pertengahan tahun 1980 an dengan kehadiran Windows. Windows was a new operating system or OS. Windows telah mencapai ledakan populariti yang pesat kerana ianya mudah digunakan dan provided visual interface.  Windows OS telah dilancarkan pada November 1985. I was in standard 6 that time and still make calculation using tiny hand and mind power! Around early mid 1990s, mobile phones started to hit the world, with creations of Nokia, Motorola, Sony and Ericson, a mobile infrastructure that enable us to make calls and sent text via SMS, rapidly growing to the world. 

Pada 29 Jun 2007, Steve Jobs telah meledakkan bom jangka kepada dunia dengan mencipta one of the most highly privileged devices in history; iPhone. As I mention earlier about thinking the distruption, the iPhone taken action; it collapsed the power of a desktop computer into device that fitted into your hand. At the same functionality it integrated wi-fi and mobile Internet access.

How wonderful is that on that time! Kemudiannya Apple memperkenalkan App Store. Ianya centralised di mana Apple boleh manage dan mengagihkan semua program computer yang mana akan dipanggil as 'apps',  created by developers all around the world. The iPhone was no phone, it was a true mobile computer.

While at Google, CEO Larry Page watched the iPhone launch and realised that mobile was going to become a phenomenon. Then followed by next project of Andy Rubin called Android, a new mobile OS.  Rubin then joined Google in July 2005 and three years later, Google launched the first smartphone running the Android OS. There's a different between two of them. So sebelum kita terbabit dengan billion dollar business apps kita kena mengambil kira what the functions.

Android adalah cermin kepada ekosistem seluruh Apple tetapi yang membezakannya ialah Android would run on open-source software.  Know what that meant? That meant that anyone in the world - from individual developers to a giant smartphones manufacturer was allowed to use Android software and tailor its to their own specific purpose. Android OS boleh diadaptasikan, digunakan dan dioptimise untuk diguna pada penghasilan smartphone oleh pesaing2 seperti Samsung dan Blackberry. 

Manakala Apple, ianya tidak membenarkan sesiapa menggunakan sistem mereka dan iOS hanya digunakan untuk hardware Apple. Apple mengambil langkah kawalan yang tinggi.  

For the business purpose App stores are so popular because they have built up massive audiences and make it very easy to user to make purchases with credit card that are attached to their app-store accounts. So we have to created something easy for the customers to purchase our products based on apps offered.  Using app such as Twitter or Instagram when people there are hungry for something new and huge and moving so fast make entrepreneurs have to build products different that others and disrupt and break the usual ways. Given that people want to be excited and connected, makes sense that anything is done to maximise the sentiments is only going to make an app more popular. By understanding that what makes apps so powerful, we will possess to develop something equally powerful! 

The experienced of users with our products is key to keeping users happy. Native apps actually more easy to arrange and work well with smartphone while Web apps are clumsy to manage. For who still doesn't understand about open-source software,  I will explain here. Open-source software is a software freely available not only to use, but also to change,  improve and distribute to enable you to run your business.  App developers can go out into the Internet and freely available code that allows them to build photo albums, plays music files, to manage user accounts and frankly do a huge amount of tasks.

You can't imagine that our computer go massively powerful, affordable computer fit into your pocket, with powerful services - global positioning, to voice recognition, instant knowledge search are available for free. And people invited to this technology to the most intimate part  of their lives - relationship or financial transactions. Apa yang dimaksudkan by interface ialah peralihan daripada heavy screen kepada smaller screen able to carried into your pocket.

As I said I am not most successful people but what I learned I will share to others.  I wanted to help you or us to think big in a realistic ways. You don't need dreams as pungguk rindukan bulan, unles you got hundred millions dollar in hand or you're selected people to go to the moon, then it's berbaloi. Ni matter what happens in life, you probably won't hit your precise goal, but the higher you aim, the higher you are likely to hit!

To be continued.  



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