Magic Number

Seven, is my hirth date. It is also a magic number. We all know eating fruit and vege is key when it comes to a healthy diet and for years now we have been aiming for the recommended taking 'five-a-day'. 

Well, it's time to forget five, because when it comes to getting a health seven is the magic number. According to a research carried out by University College London found upgrading your daily intake of fruit and vegetables to seven can offer serious health gains. Eating more good stuff could help you live longer and keep illness such as heart disease and cancer fade away.  They had also found the risk of premature death fron any cause wad lower the more fruit and vege people ate. 

Pretty impressive right? But how do we start? You can substitute ingredients in recipes for veggies you have at home. Instead of mashed potato use root vege such ad carrot and parsnip mash. Make homemade smoothies, crushed fruit in plain yoghurt and leeks instead of pasta sheets in lasagne. If you have scrambled eggs have them on a bed of spinach instead of toast. You will get more benefits such ad more fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

There is the tip to make the dream come true :-

1. Get colourful
Look up for as many colours as possible in your plate. Eat a rainbow of colours in order to boost your intake of nutrients.

2. Load up on fibre
Most of the fibre is found in the skin of fruits and vegetables so no need to peel. Just remember to give it a carefully wash to rinse away any dirt and toxic residue. 

3. Organic
To avoid exposure pesticides by using organic stuff. If you can't afford to buy all use take the main for starter.

4. Watch your budget
Buy fresh produce where possible but if you're looking for a more wallet friendly option choose frozen or canned fruits and veges.

5. Know your portions
One large piece of fruit or vege or around 80gm counts as one helping.

6. Eat more veges
Both fruit and veges rank highly in the nutrition stakes but try to ensure that most of your daily intake comes from vegetables rather than fruit. Fruit tends to be high in fruit sugar lactose which can add pounds on your weight and blood sugar if you eat more of it. Fibrous vegetables on the other hand are low in sugar but still contain plenty of nutritional goodness.

7. Add lemon to everything
Lemon is good for your body digestion and a good source of thw antioxidant d-limonene, which ignites the liver enzymes whose job it to neutralise toxic compounds.  

8. Go raw
Some vegetables have more of their nutritional when eaten raw or lighly steamed. They will fill up quicker too, great for keeping your weight under control. 

I want people can still wish me birthday until 50 to 70 times  so what about you? I practically by doing this now. So what are waiting for? Love yourselves as like you do. 


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