
May Allah blessed us. 

There are something i need to tell you.

Taylor Swift telah jual dirinya kepada Illuminati,  begitu juga Beyonce and few. But ramai yang masih memuja mereka. 

Mozart, menjadi inspirasi kepada para pencinta seni,  adalah ahli tegar Freemasons. Karya beliau sebanyak 8 hasil seni adalah di dedicated to Freemasons,  included karya agung beliau,  The Magical Flute. Namun, ramai benar proud with him, menjadikan beliau sebagai manusia agung dalam bidang seni. And you know? 

Kita semua akan ingat yang segala macam wars dalam dunia ni kerana kepentingan politik,  rebut hak, luas jajahanlah,  tapi sebenarnya Freemason involved dalam semua pertelingkahan, bermula dari Revolusi negara2 sampailah kepada World War II,  and possibility mereka plan for WW 3. walau mereka nafikan,  tapi macam satu kebetulan pulak, mereka wujud setiap kali berlaku Revolusi. Tapi,  ramai yang tidak tahu the secret society ni.

And did you know something happened in hundreds years ago, about 1698, someone just name Mr Winter telah sebarkan satu leaflet yang attack Freemason di jalanan London. Seorang pun tak tahu siapa dia,  puas mencari menyelidik malah guna pakar pun tak berjaya,  dan leaflet dia is disappeared without trace until masonic historians found in on 1937. Then ada anggapan that penulis leaflet tu ialah High Anglican Tory.  But tu cuma serkap jarang. Kenapa leaflet ni kontroversi sangat? 

Ini dia head of title leaflet tu "all godly people in the City of London", maksud godly people tu ialah orang2 yang alim or mengabdikan diri kepada Tuhan as Paderi, Clergy etc. Dia beri amaran bahawa salah laku dan puja syaitan diamalkan oleh mereka yang bergelar Freed Masons. Mereka adalah anti christ yang akan mengetuai manusia dari ketakutan kepada Tuhan. Inilah rahsia sebenar freemasons,  and their sumpah rahsia yang diperingatkan oleh Mr Winter yang mana akan berlaku dalam tempoh 300 years seterusnya. Dia persoal juga,  jikalah, Freemasons tu lawful and society yang reputable,  kenapa mesti berahsia? Kita rasa dan agak,  who is anti christ? You tell me. 

And masons ni juga sangatlah proud dengan race mereka, dengan believer mereka,  and anggap mereka ni sendiri  tahu rahsia sangat penting. Maksud mereka ialah, lihat pada kurun ke 17 itself, banyak penemuan2 ilmu yang kononnya datang dari bangsa dan ahli2 freemason. And don't you ever know that freemasons member are from reputable persons, aristokrat, higher position,  even King and royal family. So new discoveries  in geography,  medicine and science tu adalah hasil pemikiran ahli2 mereka. Maka, mereka anggap rahsia ilmu itu hanya Tuhan revealed untuk Freemasons. Sedangkan mereka ni seolah takut pada bayang sendiri. They did know that all that knowledge is from muslims of zaman kegemilangan islam dahulu, mereka celup dan tiru hasil karya saujana muslim selepas more than books and jurnals dijual oleh Tentera Mongols kepada pedagang barat. 

Fakta, benar wanita tak dibenarkan menjadi ahli Freemasons since awal ditubuhkan hinggalah 2018 barulah diberi kelonggaran,  tu pun bersyarat ketat. Reason mereka ialah no one expected on that day women involved in politic, became servant of government bodies, to juries, legal and medical professions, or to universities. No women jadi lecturer pun in university. Bab kata women dalam higher industries not important,  tetapi play a leading part of social life. As apa?  Tukang layan golongan aristokrat,  korporat,  peneman ke dinner parties and many social functions. Hence,  women can not trusted. Amd women akan atrract concentration to mans in masons. Women suka bergossip,  maka,  of courselah tak boleh trust to keep the secrets. 

Ada kritik about Freemasons,  what they did in their lodges. Ada satu tuduhan yang mengatakan bahawa mereka having sex with famous prostitute nama Sally Salisbury. You can google her name. Ada detail story about her. Ada pula suggested they committed with homesexual.  Maksud Lodge ads banyak,  for normal translation is bilik di hotel or tempat penginapan. Namun,  ada khusus meaning for Lodge is for Freemason iaitu tempat mereka mengadakan pertemuan or meeting rahsia. 

Tahu apa berlaku apabila tuduhan terhadap mereka mengadakan homesexual?  As they know and very sure about themselves, they not denied. Why should they worry? Bukankah they believe God had created a Man to be above the animals so He created a masons melebihi manusia lain. Masons were Brothers of Princes and fellowsof Kings! 

Lihatlah betapa jengkelnya ramai orang terhadap Freemasons sampaikan one Pope of ortodok Kristian,  Pope Clement asked,  kenapa mesti berahsia if benar freemason buat perkara baik and not evil? People who not doing evil never hatred of the light,  never worried of enlightenment.

Don't you ever think what is writing is speculation. I don't like speculation nor controversy. I only love facts, facts is fact. Except something written in True Kitab or Bible, then i accept. Here are facts. All about masons are recorded, baik penulisnya anti mason dan anti christ, they record each peristiwa. I didn't refer to controversy author. Noted.

I telah di warning since always sharing  fact Secret Society in my other IG,  sampai kan i have to delete some follower and turn to private account. And no one can be my follower except very serious people and not betrayed me. As Pope Clement said, why scares?

But i will never stop until my last breath, telling the more secret of knowledge..


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