Throwback the tragedy of Paris.

Biuty love sharing..


1. Everyone, certainly every Muslim must condemn the dastardly attack by Muslims in Paris when more than 100 innocent people were killed. It was not one incident but it consisted of a series of coordinated attacks in different parts of Paris. It certainly gave Islam and the Muslims a bad image. It practically justified the claim that Islam is associated with terrorism.

2. Obviously, something has to be done to put an end to such attacks. The French Government is calling for a coalition of countries against the ISIS and against terrorism generally. The whole world seems prepared to join in the fight against ISIS in particular.

3. If we care to study history, we would not fail to note that such acts of terror have been escalating over the years. They are getting more and more terrifying and brutal all the time.

4. Those who feel concerned would notice that these acts of terror are largely confined to the Arab States in the Middle East. They began with the creation of the state of Israel on Palestinian land. The Palestinian Arabs were massacred and expelled from their country by Irgun and Haganah terrorist groups of the Israelis. They lost their land, their homes and their fruit orchards. They had to live in shabby refugee camps in other countries in the region. For well over 60 years they suffer the deprivations of displaced people. At first a few Arab countries tried to regain Palestine through conventional wars. From 1948 to 1982 they attacked Israel. But every time they were defeated as Israel was supplied with arms and money and even soldiers by America and the European countries.

5. The Arab countries accepted the fact that they could never win a war against Israel. So they ceased trying after 1982.

6. In 1987 Yasser Arafat set up the PLO Al Fatah group and started the first intifada. At first it consisted of Palestinian children throwing stones at Israeli tanks. The Israelis countered by shooting at the children, with rubber coated and live bullets killing many, arresting and jailing some of the others. Far from stopping the Israelis, they actually expanded their territories by building settlements on Palestinian land. This setting up of settlements in other people’s land is totally unprecedented. Yet the world did not condemn Israel.

7. Then the Palestinians set up guerrilla units to attack the Israelis. The Israelis retaliated by bombarding and reducing to rubble Arab towns and villages. There were many arrests of Arabs, who were jailed without trial.

8. When the Palestinians sought refuge in Lebanon, Israel invaded Lebanon and massacred thousands of refugees in Sabra and Shatila camps. They forced the expulsion of the PLO from Lebanon.

9. The Palestinians resorted to suicide bombings. They did little damage but their action was described as terrorism. They also fired primitive rockets at Israel, with hardly any effect.

10. The Israelis retaliated by bombing, rocketing Gaza, Jenin and other towns until thousands died, hundreds of thousands wounded.

11. Rebuilding the destroyed homes was blocked by the Israeli blockade of building materials. The blockade also prevented supplies of food and medicine from reaching Gaza and other destroyed towns and villages. The survivors had to shelter in wrecked buildings and tents, exposed to freezing cold in winter. Until now they have not been able to rebuild their homes.

12. The Gazans made primitive rockets and fired them at Israel, as usual with little damage. Israel rocketed and bombarded Gaza invading it and destroying almost all the buildings including schools and hospitals.

13. Then Iraq was attacked by the American and British forces and Saddam Hussein was overthrown and hanged. Without a strong Government, the Sunnis and Shiahs began to fight each other, committing brutalities against each other. Under Saddam they had lived in peace.

14. Then the West urged the Arabs to overthrow the autocratic Governments of many of the Arab states. The result was chaos, anarchy and civil wars.

15. There is an uprising in Syria. The civil war destroyed the whole country. Four million Syrians fled the country. They suffered terribly. The same is now happening in Yemen.

16. The whole Arab world is in a state of turmoil as Arabs fight Arabs. Groups of Syrian rebels were trained, equipped and financed by foreign powers to fight against the Bashar Assad Government. The Government fought back.

17. Some of the rebels decided to use the weapons supplied to them by America to fight for the setting up of an Islamic State. To be noticed and to be feared they indulge in unheard of brutality. They slit the throats of innocent captives with short knives and they shot dead a lot of other innocent captives including teenage boys. They burnt alive some of their captives. And now they have expanded their activities to Europe, shooting innocent people.

18. While mounting military operations against these people are logical and will probably be fairly effective; the acts of terror and the killing of innocent people will not end. The death of leaders or killers will be replaced by new recruits who probably would be more brutal.

19. The only way to end the terror is to tackle the root causes. Among these will be the unstinting support for Israel by Americans and Europeans. This must stop.

20. The setting up of the state of Israel is a fait accompli which even the Arabs have to accept. They put their faith in the Stockholm agreement but Israeli oppression continued. They killed Yitzhak Rabin to ensure that peace will not prevail.

21. Killing stone throwing children, arresting them and jailing them for years without trial is excessive and criminal.

22. Building settlements on Palestinian land and excluding the Palestinian from what is their land, building roads on Palestinian land which the Palestinians are barred from using, erecting road blocks obstructing travel in Palestine by Palestinians, delaying pregnant mothers from going to the hospital until they gave birth to their children at the road blocks; building walls to split up villages, killing thousands of Palestinian refugees in the refugee camps, breaking into hospitals to drag out sick Palestinians for execution, illegally blockading relief food, medicine and building materials from reaching the Palestinians, arresting thousands of Palestinians and detaining them for years without trial, using them as hostages to exchange for captured Israelis, destroying towns, villages and the Gaza Strip with rockets, bombs, heavy guns, tanks and tractors, often destroying houses while the people are still inside and lots more, are still being committed by Israel.

23. All these things are wrong, are against the laws of all countries and of International laws and practices, against the norms of human behaviour, inhuman and immoral. But the Europeans who insist they believe in the rule of law, believe in human rights, in justice and fairplay did not condemn the Israelis, and certainly did not try to stop them. They even seem supportive of all the wrong deeds of the Israelis.

24. The world does not care for the sufferings and humiliation of the Palestinians. It’s as if the Palestinians are not of the human race.

25. The sufferings of the Palestinian, the injustice towards them, the humiliation are felt also by other Arabs, even other Muslims. Angry and frustrated, humiliated, unable to retaliate conventionally, insulted over their beliefs and their faith in Islam, the Arabs and other Muslims had to retaliate, to give back as much as they can the cruelties perpetrated against them.

26. And so their so-called acts of terror escalated. The more they fail the greater is the brutality which they exercise. As no Muslims states are prepared to act, they attempt to set up their own state. Unable to launch a conventional war, they resort to what is described as acts of terror.

27. And the acts of terror will continue and escalate until there are some real effort to redress the sufferings, humiliation and injustice that the Palestinians, the Arabs and Muslims have been subjected to by the Israelis backed by the European and the Americans.

28. I have no sympathy for IS and abhor the kind of terror they indulge in. What they do is completely against the teachings of Islam and the accepted norms of human behaviour.

29. Terrorism is a bane on the life of ordinary people. They never know when they will be victims of terror. We applaud the idea of stopping acts of terror. But mere military action will not defeat terrorists. Only the removal of the causes of terrorism will do that.

30. The causes are known and have been listed above. Israeli intransigence must be stopped and the settlements and seizure of Palestinian land be reversed. When these things are done then only will there be less frustrations and anger among Muslims and less resort to acts of terrorism. Failure to admit the causes will only lead to the continuance and escalation of acts of terror.

Source :

Note : For Malaysian this name make no sense to them, but for non Malaysian this blog belong to our beloved former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. What I love about his blog is his ideas is 'cremated to burn, builded to explosive' and most importantly the message  sending over to the world. Beside, his english is too simple but professional.


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