Bagaimana minda kita bertindak balas?

Summary few facts about how human thinking;-

♥ meta fisik ialah mengukur tahap bawah sedar manusia. Sesuatu yg tak dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar tapi dpt dirasai dalam pemikiran bwh sedar.
♥ metaphysics related or measured dreams, telepathy, dejavu, physics healing, clairvoyance, intuition.
♥conscious is physical. Unconscious is spiritual. Subconscious is mental.
♥unconscious acts as :
◆organizer all memories
◆stored memories
◆save moral values
◆perceptions controller
◆generator of energy
◆integrator of knowledge and learning
◆source of instinctual habits
◆record human accomplishments
◆source if symbolic language
◆store of rubbish emotions
◆human health
◆record genetic potential
◆spiritual development
◆human conscience
♥Allah created His creation from zarah asal.
♥move to particular pattern called wave-form.
♥particles and wave cant be separated. It basics for energy. Universe compose of energy.
♥emotions, thoughts and feeling are an energy form.
♥man build from energy.
♥niat dan tujuan akan menghasilkan nasib.
♥ in islam the great power normally make more responsibility from the person who have power spirituality and not for public display.
♥ Allah want us to prepare ourselves become great servant to Him with using our talents and abilities.
♥ dejavu ialah satu kebocoran ruang dalam unconscious mind memberi gambaran kpd kita about future experiences.
♥children must be allowed gunakan kemahiran unconscious mind mereka kerana potensi mereka sgt kuat.
★create habits 3 each reframes in morning, afternoon and night
★deeper cleansing. Mazmummah.
★unthinkable behaviour in ourself
★improve knowledge n skills through benchmarking
★expand mental capacity and capabilities for increasing knowledge n expertise
★fahami perasaan org lain 
★cured bad dream by recalling whole dream and focus for parts.
★negatige emotion
★cleanses mind and body
♥dreams are message from unconscious to conscious mind.
♥dream cant happened in waking hours because that time conscious mind is active, stress n block contact from unconscious. 
♥ sleep time conscious passive n unconscious active. 
♥unconscious punyai frequency wave yg rendah  tidak akan dpt melalui wave conscious ketika jaga.
♥mimpi simbolik mesti di tafsirkan dan dianalisa dgn baik untuk difahami.
♥makna konteks dalam mimpi:-
- recall the person behaviour on dream in real life.
- basic instincts or desires
- a tiger: a lot of anger
- a pig : negative habits
- dog: obsessed with material wealth
- snake-tongue can hurt people. Or presence of black magic. 
- unicorn: must express syukur to Allah. A sign of spirituality,  leadership
★ transportation
-connected to our fizikal body or life style. If we are driving car mean we are leading our own life. 
-car broken means trouble in our life.
-an aeroplane mean we going further.
-our mind, building and condition our mind.
- supply of knowledge. Kemudahan dan kejayaan dlm mencapai ilmu. It usually also for people who undergoes spiritual cleansing.
★ baby
- new energy form. Losing baby mean losing energy form. Giving birth mean a new ideas forming. A bigger or baby grown up mean energy or idea has grown.
- spiritual islam, started turn over new leaf through repentance or taubat. 
- related to ego.
-if discovering many layers mean playing many roles in he/she/our life. Indicates your faith in your religion.
- change a big transition. If wr dream another person died its nothing to connect with that person. It only symbolic. If we killing people means we are killing of our bad habits. Good sign.
- our life restricted. Reframed.


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