Mind Language?

Your english teacher was lying if she told you a noun is always a person, place or thing. A noun is simply a word that behaves like a noun. By definition,  it is any word that behaves as a noun should ; it can be used as a subject or an object in a sentence, for example. 

"Think different" was Apple slogan for the Mac computer, once upon a time. People thought it grammatical like 'It's think differently'. But Apple didn't mean "think in a different way. It meant "think of different-ness". Apple's slogan was pressing "different" into service as a concept.

Nancy Friedman, a branding consultant in California, created the nouned adjectives in slogans ; "Celebrate your extraordinary", "Go directly to fabulous", "Give exceptional", "Welcome to possible". She even build the word "Spotify".

So, grammar play is like free verse. The first thing to get to the idea grabs attention just by virtue of daring. Just playing around with the medium won't do. It takes more than unconventional to generate memorable. 


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