Very long road

Seems like is a long highway.  That's right. Sesiapa yang staying in Australia aware about this road. According to Australian standards it is a very long road. So where is this?

This is the Stuart Highway from Port Augusta in South Australia to Darwin dalam Sempadan Utara yang mencecah 3000 kilometres. It is quiet road and categorized as lonely highway where tourists rarely drive at night for fear of any problems such as mechanical failure or perhaps hitting the kangaroo. 

If you through by this road and accidently your car engine is break down so how you could get help because there is no friendly people or mechanic to solved your problems or repair an engine problem or provide an empty tank a can of petrol? No one. Should remember that you are now in the middle of nowhere.

Even most of the rental car companies forbid driving between the hours of dusk and dawn. There is only the very occasional pubic phone from which to get help, and forget also about the mobile even the services using very high technology.  Outside of a few small town there is no digital-phone reception for most of an area.


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