Impression Evidence and The Oddest Cases Notes

■ Two basic ways of casting material in impression, first is to mix the dental stone in a bowl. The second is to mix the compound in a bag, cut the corner off the bag and pipe like an icing.

■ Impression in water that standing present their unique problem. Handling with very careful because siphoning and blotting water will disturb impressions. 

■ To stabilize snow print with a commercial product called Snow Print Wax, allowed used in difficult surface. It's also can substituted with baby powder but can't prevent snow melting if warm water used in the process apply. So better used the proper product.

■ Snow Print Wax must be allowed at room temperature before using for spraying. It's prevent fron clumping and clogging.

■ Another approach is flour sulphur. It's work very well. The sulphur will give a good detail when melted in hot water and it was immediately resolidifies in contact with cold snow.

Google Image

■ Documenting tire marks must concerned search for opposite-side tire impressions, provide information about the car, the features and the speed.

■ Individualization is a key word in forensic, one evidence can open up to more inquiry or information.

■ Exculpatory Evidence (bukti bagi membersihkan nama) saves investigators time and effort.

■ Tool marks like doorframes, usually don't melt or washed away. Easy visible and can taken back to lab with little risk of transport damage.

■ Two types of tool marks :-
▶ Friction marks (tool rubs into surface formed marks)
▶ Stamping mark (it is standing on the place)

■ Dust impressions difficult to examine because it's can't using powdered and lifted, brushing the marks will be ruin it and photographing would be difficult even with perfect lighting.

Google Image : Dust Impressions

Hair, Trace and Fiber Evidence

■ Investigators when they find a bag of evidence from human to animal trace seems like they got a box of treasure.

■ Dirt - when examiners see a lot of dirt, they will hold geology reports hope an unusual sample will lead to spesific location.

■ sometimes icicle also can make as evidence. One case about the icicle (isekel is kepingan ais runcing yang terbentuk dari pembekuan air yang menitis)

A case of icicle

A divorce women and her boyfriend of Haitian men got fight and suddenly the neighbours heard screaming from the house. What they saw is a man with a head slicing in two death in front of the door. The women and her only son look like panic and crying. But the son said her mum didn't murder the man because when they heard the man shouting from downstairs,  he and his mum at upstairs searching for something. So who's murdered that man?

An investigators name Bonia Cappitella make investigate and find out something surprise. The man wasn't dead at the stairs in the house but outside the front door. He can make assumption about the situation. The man got angry when he ask the women a house key because he decided want to go and never return back. The punched the door hard. The weather in Toronto by the time is crazily cold and icicle everywhere. The icicle at the door loosened and fell, striking him in the head and he fell while struck the head on the concrete step. At lab, the autopsy result said the injury from the falling icicle had to killed him. So the death is cause by natural way and the weapon is icicle.

Hazardous Evidence

▲ Chemicals Treats - any compound injurious if ingested, inhaled, contacted or ignited
▲ Biohazards - related to biological can carry dangerous disease like AIDS, Hepatitis and others viruses should marked "Biohazard".

▲ Explosive Treats - Presences of features explosive such as gunpowder, blasting caps and cors possibility of secondary explosive will harm investigators.

■ Trace evidence examiners can work as general person collect evidence at scene such  as tools, fingerprint and any other material.

■ For house break broken glass is major evidence, collecting as many fracture of edges of glass at scene.

■ Features of glass broken tell examiners :-
▶ cracked or holed, causes of fist or rock will show low-velocity assaults
▶ or bunets or explosives will show high-velocity assaults.

■ Paint marks is favourite evidence for many investigators because give many opportunities for several clues include can make a conclusion for color matching or provide information for particular model and year.

■ Microtrace examination is a chemical testing can destroy a sample but can give specific info such type or manufacturer so the investigators can trace the product produced.

■ A paint marks can't be lifted with tape. It can ruin the result. For move that evidence, just take it with tweezers or brush and put into envelope.

■ Trace examiner kit should have :-

● evidence vacuum or power cells
● photography equipment
● glass side, slide covers
● tweezers, chopstick
● light sources such like UV, IR
● measuring tools
● bindle paper
● lifters, acetate covers
● lifting tape, household tape
● envelope, bottles, boxes for collection and transport
● cutting tool like saw, knives
● more powerful tools at lab

Google Image : acetate covers

Google Image : lifters


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