
Showing posts from May, 2016

Bukti Forensic Yang Nilainya Harta Karun

Kita sambung kembali topik kita berkenaan subjek forensic. Mesti ramai nak  tahu apa proses seterusnya. Subjek ini memang kalau tidak didalami akan membosankan tapi apabila telah diselami ianya semakin menarik. Bukan sahaja berguna kepada pelajar atau mereka yang terlibat dengan dunia forensic dan penyiasatan tapi  juga sebagai ilmu untuk orang2 awam yang berminat mempelajari unsur2 dan teknik dalam penyiasatan jenayah dan sains forensic. Selain dari kesan capjari, kesan2 lain juga diambil kira tetapi bergantung kepada ciri2 item yang terdapat kesan tersebut. Kesan latent yang sukar untuk dilihat dengan mata kasar boleh diatasi dengan penggunaan bahan2 pencetus dan pembangun seperti bahan kimia, pencahayaan dan unsur2 khusus penggunaannya dalam makmal. Ejen bahan kimia khusus untuk kegunaan khusus ■ Iodine Fumes - iodine kristal yang telah dipanaskan akan melepaskan wasap yang bertindak dengan minyak ke atas permukaan berliang.  Ianya bertindak serta merta maka mes...

Jangan mudah percaya perkara tahyul

Biuty love sharing.. Ini salah satu kes forensic yang disiasat. Sebab itu Allah beri kita akal untuk berfikir. Memang kita harua percaya benda2 ghaib dan terima qadha dan qadar..tetapi adakah Tuhan suruh berserah tanpa berusaha?  Pentingnya juga ilmu dalam hidup kita bukan sekadar ilmu agama tetapi juga ilmu sains kerana dalam Al Quran itu sendiri berlambak ilmu sains. Selamat membaca. Kisah Misteri Kematian 3 Beradik Di Sekolah Sama Yang Disangka Kerana ‘Sumpahan’ Kerjaya sebagai seorang pakar forensik diakui sangat berat dan mencabar kerana mereka perlu berhadapan dengan bermacam-macam kes kematian setiap hari. Sudah tentunya mereka yang bekerja dalam bidang ini berdepan dengan pelbagai kisah yang pelik yang mungkin kita takkan pernah tahu.Seperti yang dikongsi oleh doktor ini mengenai kematian 3 orang beradik di sekolah sungguh misteri. Lagi menyedihkan apabila sudah dipost mortem, tiada sebab kematian dikesan. Malah ada mulut-mulut yang mendakwa kematian itu diseba...

Rahsia di sebalik sains forensic (Bahagian 1) : Kawasan Kejadian dan Bukti Jenayah

● This article's is in Bahasa Malaysia. Please using the translation tool below for your own language or get the professional for better understanding.  Setiap kejadian itu telah ditentukan Tuhan tetapi tentu ada sebab musababnya. Untuk  mengetahui sebabnya mestilah dengan ilmu, samada dengan ilmu duniawi dan ukhrawi. Masih ingatkah pada novelist Agatha Christie, seorang novelist jenayah dan penyiasatan yang terkenal satu ketika dulu? Atau novel bersiri Murder to Wrote, atau siri2 penyiasatan yang ditayangkan di television pada tahun2 70-80an dulu? Pada mereka, suasana ditempat jenayah berlaku ialah apabila darah terpercik di lantai dan di dinding2 dan istilah itu dipanggil 'the scene of the crime' atau kawasan jenayah. Namun bagi penguatkuasaan undang2 zaman moden yang terlibat dalam kes jenayah dan penyiasatan, pegawai penguatkuasa, pegawai yang expertise dalam kes jenayah, para saintis forensic dan, malah terbabit penyambungannya kepada penyiasat persendirian, ba...

Throwback the tragedy of Paris.

Biuty love sharing.. THE PARIS ATTACK 1. Everyone, certainly every Muslim must condemn the dastardly attack by Muslims in Paris when more than 100 innocent people were killed. It was not one incident but it consisted of a series of coordinated attacks in different parts of Paris. It certainly gave Islam and the Muslims a bad image. It practically justified the claim that Islam is associated with terrorism. 2. Obviously, something has to be done to put an end to such attacks. The French Government is calling for a coalition of countries against the ISIS and against terrorism generally. The whole world seems prepared to join in the fight against ISIS in particular. 3. If we care to study history, we would not fail to note that such acts of terror have been escalating over the years. They are getting more and more terrifying and brutal all the time. 4. Those who feel concerned would notice that these acts of terror are largely confined to the Arab States in the Middle E...

How safe to breastfeed the baby while taking medicine?

Biuty love sharing.. Mothers’ milk The safe use of medicines during breastfeeding is not an easy topic to study, but new parents deserve better information on the risks and benefits. When Janet Woodcock first started to practise medicine nearly 40 years ago, she quickly realized that her training had not equipped her to deal with a common dilemma. New mothers were being encouraged to breastfeed their children, but was it safe to do so if they were taking medication? “I had never received one word of information on that situation,” says Woodcock, who now heads the US Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Woodcock’s patients, she says, were “frantic” to do the best for their babies. But in the absence of data on whether and how a medicine could affect their newborn, mothers were often forced to decide between their own health and their child’s. The prevailing medical advice — then and now — was, in case of doubt, to stop breastfeed...

Crime Scenes

Biuty love sharing.. Crime Scene Investigation How It’s Done Samples That May be Collected at a Crime Scene A wide variety of physical evidence can be collected at a scene that is deemed valuable (“probative”) for collection and investigation: ● biological evidence (e.g., blood, body fluids, hair and other tissues) ● latent print evidence (e.g., fingerprints, palm prints, foot prints) ● footwear and tire track evidence ● trace evidence (e.g., fibers, soil, vegetation, glass fragments) ● digital evidence (e.g., cell phone records, Internet logs, email messages) ● tool and tool mark evidence ● drug evidence ● firearm evidence The type of evidence collected will vary with the type of crime. In the case of a burglary, for example, it would be common to perform tasks in the order listed below. This will help ensure that evidence isn’t inadvertently damaged or destroyed: ● Photograph and document the scene ● Collect trace materials (especially from probable points...

Report Links Alcohol, Processed Meats, and Excess Weight to Stomach Cancer

Biuty love sharing.. Article date: April 27, 2016 By Stacy Simon A report from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund links an increased risk forstomach cancer with drinking alcohol, eating processed meats, and being overweight. According to the report, thousands of stomach cancer cases could be prevented in the US if people maintained a healthy weight, limited alcohol, and avoided processed meats including ham, bacon, pastrami, salami, bologna, hot dogs, and some sausages. Stomach cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, but is less common in the United States, where the rates of new cases have been declining steadily since the early 20th century. Still, about 26,000 cases of stomach cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the US in 2016 and almost 11,000 people are expected to die from it. Key findings The report reviewed evidence from 89 studies from around the world. The studies examined about 17.5 million ad...

HPV Vaccine : Facts and Fears

Vaccines to prevent human papilloma virus (HPV) infections are safe and effective. They can protect girls and boys from getting several different types of cancer when they get older. The American Cancer Society recommends the vaccine as one way to keep more people from getting cancer. HPV vaccines protect against high-risk types of the virus that cause most cervical cancers. The virus is also linked to cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and throat. HPV vaccination is cancer prevention.However, myths and rumors shared on social media, blogs, and alternative health websites make claims that may scare people away from this life-saving vaccine. The medical experts at the American Cancer Society have put together a list of facts about the HPV vaccine. Fact 1: The vaccine is safe. Years of studying people who have had the HPV vaccine show that it is safe. The HPV vaccine may make some people dizzy and nauseated when it is injected, but it hardly ever causes bad side effects...

Forensic Science Special Case : Drowning

Drowning and Forensics By: Jack Claridge (25 Dec 15) Drowning almost always occurs as a result of an accident. It is quite a staggering and sobering thought that many of those people who drown each year in the United Kingdom do so because they have never been taught how to swim or simply have a morbid fear of water and when introduced to it panic and so drown. What Happens as a Person Drowns? As an individual drowns their lungs will fill with water and the ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream is diminished and as you struggle to breathe water is forced into the sinuses. Losing your air supply and also using up too much energy will lead to the oxygen in your blood falling rapidly and as a result the individual will lose consciousness in a very short space of time. Drowning and Crime Drowning is difficult to prove beyond the accidental death stage simply because of the nature in which it happens. Proving that an unknown assailant in some way aided the...