
Showing posts from March, 2016

Magic Number

Seven, is my hirth date. It is also a magic number. We all know eating fruit and vege is key when it comes to a healthy diet and for years now we have been aiming for the recommended taking 'five-a-day'.  Well, it's time to forget five, because when it comes to getting a health seven is the magic number. According to a research carried out by University College London found upgrading your daily intake of fruit and vegetables to seven can offer serious health gains. Eating more good stuff could help you live longer and keep illness such as heart disease and cancer fade away.  They had also found the risk of premature death fron any cause wad lower the more fruit and vege people ate.  Pretty impressive right? But how do we start? You can substitute ingredients in recipes for veggies you have at home. Instead of mashed potato use root vege such ad carrot and parsnip mash. Make homemade smoothies, crushed fruit in plain yoghurt and leeks instead of pasta sheets in la...

Fatal Familial Insomnia

Apakah itu? Oklah..memandangkan niat saya untuk berkongsi info so dari orang tak faham istilah in English or ada certain people who not understand very well in english so saya buat penulisan santai. Ibarat kita borak2. But if ada istilah english especially dalam science or medical yang sukar untuk diterjemahkan dalam bahasa maka saya terpaksa gunakan juga istilah tersebut tapi saya akan explain what is that or the functions. Saya juga bukanlah mahir english pun but dibantu oleh a few friends yang memang pakar dalam sains or yang otaknya sebijak ayahanda bonda kesayangan saya, Tun Mahathir Mohammad dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah! Okey. Fatal familial insomnia ini adalah sejenis penyakit yang boleh diwarisi dan ianya membabitkan kesan kepada fungsi otak dan beberapa part lain daripada sistem saraf. Walaupun ianya jarang2 berlaku dan didapati pada sesetengah manusia dan binatang tetapi ianya boleh terjadi kepada keduanya, juga agak merbahaya.  Kita selalu saja dengar tentang manusia ...

Life is mystery

One way to approach a mystery is to try to solve it. If that doesn't work, another fruitful approach is to look and see if there's a second, more fathomable mystery hiding behind the mystery you can't solve. Often there is, and that's your way in.  Anything aiming to achieve invisibility hides behind the visible. We can go ever further and say that invisible things hide behind their oen visible equivalents because they provide the most effective cover.  Let me prove the point using an absurd analogy; you might move your bread bin and expect to see breadcrumbs on the pantry shelf behind it but you wouldn't move it and expect to see another bread bin behind it. That's why it is always wise, where difficult human situations are concerned to look for the motive behind the motive, the guilt behind the guilt, the lie behind the lie, the secret behind the secret, the duty behind the the duty , you can substitute any number of loaded abstract nouns and the form...

Secebis dari Kitab AlHikam

Sudah menjadi lumrah manusia..apabila kesenangan dan hidupnya semakin dipuja, mendapat perhatian, dia akan lupa pada sesuatu yang dia tinggalkan di belakang. Bukan lagi pelik bila situasi tu berlaku. Hanya ilmu dan iman saja yang mampu menyedarkan dia pada siapa dia permulaan. Permulaan itu tidak semestinya ahli keluarganya tapi mungkin juga rakan2, sahabatnya dan orang2 di sekeliling..permulaan yang dia lupakan yang menyokong diri dia, tapi dia sombong dengan nikmat Allah. Ilmu jangan dibazirkan pada diri sendiri. Selagi mana mampu, sedekahkanlah sebagai amal jariah. Kudrat jangan dijadikan sia2 untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Selama mana terlarat sedekahlah jugak bagi membantu orang2 yang tidak bernasib baik. Moga kita semua selamat dari sifat sombong. Aminnn.