
Showing posts from February, 2016

Every Dead Things : Criminal Behaviour

♥ a sexual homicide generally involves some element of sexual activity as the basis for the sequence of events leading to death. ♥largest group of target is white females who strangers to the killer. ♥ sometimes include male but includes the childrens. ♥ modus operation : stalking + surveillance ♥ examine the victim's habits, the family of victim's not to be around so the killer would have time to complete the mission. ♥ crime scenes can classified as organised, disorganised or mix of them. ♥ organised killer plans well the murder and carefully target the victim. Crime scene have element of control.  ♥ meet certain criteria to the killer such as age, hair colour,  occupation,  lifestyle etc. Typical restraints.  ♥ reflects element of control and planning. ♥ sexual sadism cases ; eroticised act of killing. Slowly death. It seems like the killer like to build element of torture and reaches the high of satisfied for the killer. ♥ it seem like the ki...

Killer's Obsessed

■ every serial killer have their own styles to kill their victims and some of them unique.  ■ when come to amputation, mutilation or dismemberment of the body, the using saw as a weapon is always stick to their mind. ■ hundreds different of saws in the market such as ; ● crosscut saw ● ripsaws ● pruning saws ● hacksaws ● keyhole saws ● kitchen and meat saws ● ryoba saws ● gigli and rod saws ● bone and metacarpal saws  ■ some are those :- ▶ run on muscle ▶ powered by eletricity or gas ▶ move with reciprocating action ▶ move with continuesly action ▶ move back and forth ▶ use rotating blade ■ saws are created to cut different types of materials and to do different things as they cut.  ■ hand power saws not depend on muscle so it leaves more consistent cuts and more evenly patterned for the stracthes and the striae. ■ often leave with deeper false starts. ■ its because isn't required the human energy and saw is heavier, the person who working wit...

Pengajaran Dari Kitab Alhikam 1

Kita manusia adalah lemah melainkan manusia yang telah sampai kepada tingkatan taqwa. Jalan ke situ memang berliku, cuma jiwa yang kental mampu mengharunginya.. Orang2 sabar itu :- - tidak rasa cukup akan amalan mereka - tidak merasa bersih dari kekurangan - tempat pengaduannya hanya kepada Allah - menerima dgn tenang qadha n qadar - jauh dari segala pujian manusia ♥ sabar ketika ujian. Syukur ketika nikmat. Sabar itu tinggi darjatnya. ♥ kita mencintai diri tapi itu milik hawa nafsu ♥ kita mencintai roh padahal itu milik Allah ♥ kita mencintai harta tapi itu milik waris keturunan ♥ mati itu adalah satu kesakitan yang besar ♥ bersihkan hati dari buruk sangka akan qadar Allah ♥ teguhkan iman dalam menerima qadha n qadar dgn perasaan kehambaan.  ♥ Allah ada urusanNya setiap hari ♥ jgn fikir jika tidak berdoa maka niat kita tidak sampai kepada Allah kerana ini hilangkan percaya kepada Allah. ♥ setiap hamba yg berjalan kepada Allah akan melintasi m...

Note From Killer

Sometimes we didnt know dangers is around us. Maybe from our families, relatives even friends shows something different that we dont expect.  Look at this signs, if they have some of this, seek help from professionals as soon as you can! ♥mentally ill: ★sudden changes behaviour in friends n loved one. ★shy and quietly to aggressive and talkative ★depression and seclusion ★sensitive to tiny things ★changing habits from normal sleeping and eating ★out of temperament ★disorganised thinking ★more interest and obsessed in guns, knives and any other instruments ♥this people need psychiatric help ♥pethidine is painkilling drug specially for women in labor

Bagaimana minda kita bertindak balas?

Summary few facts about how human thinking;- ♥ meta fisik ialah mengukur tahap bawah sedar manusia. Sesuatu yg tak dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar tapi dpt dirasai dalam pemikiran bwh sedar. ♥ metaphysics related or measured dreams, telepathy, dejavu, physics healing, clairvoyance, intuition. ♥conscious is physical. Unconscious is spiritual. Subconscious is mental. ♥unconscious acts as : ◆organizer all memories ◆stored memories ◆save moral values ◆perceptions controller ◆generator of energy ◆integrator of knowledge and learning ◆source of instinctual habits ◆record human accomplishments ◆source if symbolic language ◆store of rubbish emotions ◆human health ◆record genetic potential ◆spiritual development ◆human conscience ♥Allah created His creation from zarah asal. ♥move to particular pattern called wave-form. ♥particles and wave cant be separated. It basics for energy. Universe compose of energy. ♥emotions, thoughts and feeling are an energy form. ♥man build from ...