What is Sarin? And what it is about?

Saya rasa seperti ingin share perkara ini. Memang negara kita masih lagi jauh from the reality, still peace still no terrorist everywhere. I mean not so serious.  But who knows, right? Perhaps one day and this knowledge is useful now for preparation on future.


▲ Used as chemical weapon,  potency as nerve agent.
▲ But considered outlaws on April 1997 by the Chemical Weapon Convention of 1993.
▲ Can be lethal even at low concentration. 
▲ can cause death 1-10 minutes after inhalation,  unless cure with some antidotes such as atropine and pralidoxime.
▲ produced for as the war weapon and weaponized as a racemic mixture.
▲ attacks nervous system.
▲ sebenarnya ia adalah insiden yang tidak dijangka iaitu baka yang terhasil melalui proses campuran kimia di Syarikat Chemical IG Forben dalam Nazi German. 
▲ In 1938, they used of substance 146 - formula yang menyebabkan massive disruption the nerve system. 
▲ baka yang ditemui itu dalam nama kimianya ialah isopropyl methylfluarophosphate.
 ▲ sarin adalah ringkasan dari dan diberi honoured to the chemists behind the discovery - Schrader, Ambros, Ritter and Van der Linde.
▲ Substance 146 bukanlah sukar untuk dibuat tapi akan cause danger if not take properly safety or without killing yourself.
▲ technical know how, proper lab equipment and serious safety procedures needed.
▲ sejenis liquid pada suhu 150°c.
▲ as a weapon, Sarin usually dispersed from a canister, rocket or misil, yang mana boleh disebarkan cukup untuk disedut ke dalam lungs. 
▲ this substance will enter body through eyes dan skin too.
▲ no smell, taste and colourless. 
▲ midst effect - irritated eyes, blurred, shrink, drool and vomit. Lethal effects.
▲ breathing laboured, pendek2, tidak menentu, tidak boleh mengawal muscles,  paru2 merembeskan cecair.
▲ apabila breathe, foam comes from mouths.  
▲ if survive first 20 minutes meant they likely to live.

History with sarin

▲ once sarin invented,  the recipe passed to German army, but they are never used in Second World War. 
▲ history started when one of inventors Otto Ambros, 1948 at Nuremberg convicted war crimes and jailed for 8 years. 
▲ he then worked with US as consultant after released from prison.
▲ selain US, Russian and Britain also took part of interest too.
▲ incident of RAF engineer name Ronald Maddison, volunteer to take part of experiment at Porton  Down - UK's Chemical facility in Wiltshire be remembered. 
▲ Porton scientist injected liquid sarin to the arms of him and 5 others, he then fell ill and slumped over the table. Taken to hospital but died.
▲ Saddam Hussein telah mengebom Halabja in Utara Iraq selama 2 hari in 1988 killed 5,000 people.
▲ attacking against Kurdish people was recognised as an act of genocide in 2010.
▲ known as largest chemical weapon, attack civilians in history.
▲ 1995, Aum Shinrikyo Sect, sebuah terrorist organisation in Tokyo telah menyucuk beg2 yang berisi homemade sarin in Tokyo Subway.
▲ dozens people killed, more than 5,000 sought medical help.

▲ bukti kukuh bahawa sarin was used with lethal effect in Ghoota, Damascus Syria on 21 August 2013.

▲ sarin itself reacts easily with water and ianya akan cepat tersebar when it meets rains, kelembapan udara atau peluh.
▲ sarin diikhtiraf sebagai senjata moden dalam war.


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