
Showing posts from January, 2016

What is Sarin? And what it is about?

Saya rasa seperti ingin share perkara ini. Memang negara kita masih lagi jauh from the reality, still peace still no terrorist everywhere. I mean not so serious.  But who knows, right? Perhaps one day and this knowledge is useful now for preparation on future. SARIN ▲ Used as chemical weapon,  potency as nerve agent. ▲ But considered outlaws on April 1997 by the Chemical Weapon Convention of 1993. ▲ Can be lethal even at low concentration.  ▲ can cause death 1-10 minutes after inhalation,  unless cure with some antidotes such as atropine and pralidoxime. ▲ produced for as the war weapon and weaponized as a racemic mixture. ▲ attacks nervous system. ▲ sebenarnya ia adalah insiden yang tidak dijangka iaitu baka yang terhasil melalui proses campuran kimia di Syarikat Chemical IG Forben dalam Nazi German.  ▲ In 1938, they used of substance 146 - formula yang menyebabkan massive disruption the nerve system.  ▲ baka yang ditemui itu dalam...

Book Review : The Voice Of The Spirits

Paperback. ISBN 9780857050793. MacLehose Press Publisher. "They were not living beings. We thought they must be our ancestors, come back from the land of the dead. At that time we knew nothing of the outside world. We thought we were the only prople alive. We believed our ancestors had gone over there, turned white and come back as spirits. That was how we explained the White Man. Our dead had returned." Conclusions: ●Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea ketika ini masih mengamalkan tradisi kanibalisma. • They believe River Sepik have a high spirits. ● Those who are not yet found their home after death build spirit around the river. ● to be carefull because there is a lot of whirpools around there. • Totem and Taboo is Freud's book about primal horde. It is became huge controversy in its time. • 2 main taboo : incest (sumbang mahram) & perricide (pembunuh bapa). • Masyarakat kanibal believe killed father untuk menjadikan ibu as induk then the sons akan ...