What is Sarin? And what it is about?
Saya rasa seperti ingin share perkara ini. Memang negara kita masih lagi jauh from the reality, still peace still no terrorist everywhere. I mean not so serious. But who knows, right? Perhaps one day and this knowledge is useful now for preparation on future. SARIN ▲ Used as chemical weapon, potency as nerve agent. ▲ But considered outlaws on April 1997 by the Chemical Weapon Convention of 1993. ▲ Can be lethal even at low concentration. ▲ can cause death 1-10 minutes after inhalation, unless cure with some antidotes such as atropine and pralidoxime. ▲ produced for as the war weapon and weaponized as a racemic mixture. ▲ attacks nervous system. ▲ sebenarnya ia adalah insiden yang tidak dijangka iaitu baka yang terhasil melalui proses campuran kimia di Syarikat Chemical IG Forben dalam Nazi German. ▲ In 1938, they used of substance 146 - formula yang menyebabkan massive disruption the nerve system. ▲ baka yang ditemui itu dalam...