Penulis Hantu
Ok this is not regarding about hantu puaka, nor jin syaitan. Definition of ghost writer is about you've became a writer for other people but your name is hidden behind. Seems like you tukang tulis tapi ibarat the person who pay you yang dianggap as author. Or maybe not as writer but you collected the data, notes or facts to them and you also got pay. Apa yang i nak share here is.. Be a ghost writer is not easy at all. You berdepan pulak dengan macam2 ragam people. Yer, the payment is huge or big or sometime for new learner just boleh tahan tapi birokrasi is high. I am here. Now i release my stressfullness. My task is only one at the not-so-begining is to writes the notes, make research then followed by paperwork and sent it to them amd i got pay. But as i said it's not so easy. You kena betul2 ikut spec mereka. If the topic is about revolutionaries, takkan nak masuk bab masak memasak pulakkan, example. Second, must be creative, not only strict to t...